Dear Cambridgeport Community,
This is an invitation to help move some dirt! As you may know there are wonderful new garden spaces being designed and built on the grounds of Cambridgeport School.
On Saturday, May 15, we are organizing a work day, 10 am to 1 pm or so, to help remove gravel from behind the school and move some new loam to planters and garden beds.
All you need are gloves, and a willingness to move dirt around. We will have wheelbarrows, shovels, rakes (even extra gloves). Kids can help. We need around 10 adults, but the more the merrier.
The new gardens, supported by the district, and coordinated by the great City Sprouts organization, a local non-profit, will not only beautify the space; they will be outdoor classroom resources for all the classrooms. City Sprouts was founded by Cambridge parent Jane Hirschi, and it is working with all the Cambridge elementary schools on building gardens. They bring funding and wonderful support. Jane, along with Alice Gugelmann, the Cambridgeport garden coordinator at City Sprouts, bring great enthusiasm and expertise to the project. They sit on our Garden Committee and are working with staff and with the district on plans for incorporating the garden into curriculum at all grade levels.
The Garden Committee has a new website, here, where you can find minutes of our meetings, pictures of designs and new planter boxes and murals (designed and built by Cport parents Alex and Whitney Van Praagh), and much more information about the plans and about City Sprouts.
Please consider joining our efforts this spring. And come out for as long as you can on the 15th to dig. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Andy Hrycyna at or Shirley Harvey at and 617-349-6587.
Many thanks,
Cambridgeport Garden Committee